Monday, July 22, 2013

Wild Week

Dear Family,
Well we got to do some travel this week with zone conferences. While in Yuma I got to see one of the brothers that I helped teach and baptize. It was great to see him and his family doing so well. On a brief similar note, last night we had a fireside for investigators and the elders in Chandler brought their investigator who has a baptismal date scheduled, and it turns out that they're teaching the brother of one of my former investigators. We planted that seed almost a year ago. It was so cool to see him there!
Last Monday we picked up an issue of the newspaper for the Mormon community in Arizona and saw me and my companion on the front page with two other missionaries! It was so cool. Someone in our stake took our photo a few weeks back and said, "No guarantees that you'll make it but I'm sending this to the editor." It was fun hearing people make comments about it, even when I was in Yuma on Tuesday. I'll have to show you a copy.
Saturday night we had a very interesting series of events. We planned to attend a baptism in Spanish at 6pm and to attend another in English at 7:30, with different investigators obviously. Well to make a long story short, the baptism in Spanish was the most irreverent I've ever been to, and I've been to a lot in Arizona. The member sister of our investigator was cringing the whole time. I thought it must have been impossible for her to feel the Spirit. But I kept praying for the best anyway. Well afterward we chatted about it and told them that we were about to go to another baptism in English, and the sister who's a member said, "We're going with you!" The difference was incredible. The second service was so much more peaceful and reverent and uplifting. It was so striking to notice the contrast. The investigator appreciated it a lot more, even though she's still learning English. One of the things that the experience made me realize is that without the Holy Ghost, we're like any other church.. With no connection to heaven but our desperate prayers. Yet I know that God speaks to His children through a living prophet, that the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored, and that all can enjoy the blessings of the Holy Ghost in this life as we make and keep our baptismal covenant. I'm so grateful to be a part of the conversion experience for so many individuals and families. It's a thrill and a joy. And it's a thrill and a joy to be part of the Gathro Family. I love you all. Thank you for everything. Have a Spirit-filled week!

Elder Gathro

Monday, July 15, 2013

Mormon Miracles

Dear Family,
Well I feel like this week kinda took us for a wild ride. The mission is more exhausting emotionally/spiritually than physically. We had some issues with the new zones that were brought into our mission upon realigning our mission boundaries. Tuesday we did exchanges with the two sets of zone leaders in Phoenix and worked through some of their concerns. And at the end of the exchange, President Toone called us and said he wanted to talk to us about some things he read in the weekly letters from Phoenix. He was alarmed and not sure what to do but was really comforted when he heard that he had just finished exchanges with them and discussed those same issues We saw it as a miracle that in the moment when our mission president most needed it, the Lord had already prepped two servants to be ready with insights. So we had a zone conference with the Phoenix zones that did lots to improve the communication and spirits of the missionaries, as well as the little frustrations over new mission rules. We had a really uplifting experience in each zone we visited. As part of the zone conferences I did a training with each group trying to teach how to sustain one another in becoming more powerful teachers. The plan for  the first day and a half was to have the missionaries do two role-plays on their own, but something on day 2 told me I was doing it wrong, and that I also needed to demonstrate to them the principles I was trying to convey. So I put myself on the spot, made myself a bit vulnerable, and asked them which concern they would like to see addressed in a role-play in which I was the missionary. I was a bit nervous before each one, especially because they could pick any concern they wanted the investigator to have, and I've got zero prep. But it made the role-play seem much more real and constructive. I noticed that God really did strengthen me in those teaching moments this week and gave me the words I needed in those role-plays to be an example to the missionaries. I could sense that He was using me beyond my natural abilities. It was a neat feeling, one of the most rewarding that someone can have. I'm excited for the other zone conferences this week. We're driving down to Yuma this afternoon actually. Road trip!
So Friday night a member took us out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant and when we walked in the manager spotted us out and said, "Buenas tardes." Then after we ordered our meal, he brought out an appetizer we hadn't ordered, for no charge and just to sample. Then after our meal he sent the waitress out with a fruit dessert. We stopped him and after saying thank you several more times we discovered that the manager's wife is a member and he just wanted to be nice to the missionaries. I was a really nice surprise, our member liked it too :) Then we went straight over to the Visitors' Center for a lesson and after an awesome teaching moment we ran into 4 people (in 2 separate groups) from the Spanish ward that I served in while in Mesa, including one sister that my companion and I had helped reactivate. It was such a nice evening, and very rewarding. We had a great week!
I love you all, keep on keepin' on!

Elder Gathro

Monday, July 8, 2013

About His buzzness!

Hey Family!
President Toone is absolutely wonderful. He's such a happy, humble giant. We got to see him interact with the missionaries this week and he has just been so great. He says he has no clue what  he's doing but he's keeping it together pretty well. For the most part he doesn't intend to change anything for the first little while in the mission. He's just observing and getting the swing of things. He asks a lot for recommendations, which is probably what I would do too. But he has the final word. Elder Perez and I were trying to remember what we decided on for July district meeting trainings and give a bit more direction but we were kinda stuck. Then we asked him and he said he wanted us to come up with it since we are more familiar with the needs of the mission and what has been trained on recently. But once he gave us the official assignment, ideas and clarification just started to flow. It was incredible. Whenever President Toone says or does something like that, we say ,"That's why you're the president!" He always laughs, but we know it makes him feel like he's doing things right.
On Thursday we had a meeting that I was asked to train in, and of course the training topic was left up to me to decide. For some reason the phrase come to mind of "Revelation in Leadership." And I couldn't let it go. It sounded right and felt right but I didn't think I had much to go off of. But I really tried to prepare for it well and spend time gathering my thoughts. Then when the time came, the training went a lot better than I had imagined. It just came together and words were given that I hadn't planned. Everyone there was participating well and we felt the Spirit teaching us what was right and what we needed to do. I feel strongly that the Lord will bless us with guidance as we seek it. Elder Eyring says, "If you want revelation, you gotta do your homework." And that homework can be described as to ask, seek, and knock. It's a pattern of receiving revelation that the Lord expects us to use, especially in leadership roles. And all of us can be leaders. We should be. Who are we inviting to be with us in the eternities? I know that our influence is magnified when we asked for direction from the Lord and act on what is revealed. The Spirit will consecrate our efforts to the benefit of ourselves and others. He's often the missing ingredient and yet the most important one by far.
Well, I'm learning a lot and having a blast! We were talking to a white lady last night about 40 yrs old, and I asked her why she thought there are so many churches in the world. She responded, "To be honest, I think it's redonkulous!" Haha people say the funniest things.
Miracle among many: At the start of church yesterday one of the greeters grabbed us and said, "The girl on the back row is a non-member getting baptized in 2 weeks." What? She's not our investigator. I've never seen her before. Well we met her and figured out that she has been taught by the sister missionaries at the Visitors' Center and wants to get baptized on the 27th of July. God be praised! Blessings are raining from the skies. She's a great gator it seems like and we're teaching her later today. Hope all goes well. Thanks for everything fam! I love you lots! Have a great week!

Elder Gathro

P.S. I can't believe I forgot! Saturday I was able to go to the temple and see one of the young adults I baptized last year get endowed! It was incredible! Such a joyful experience. It was Maria Perez in Chandler. She speaks English too, so when I get back you all can talk to her. OK, well, paz fuera! :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mission Leadership Counsil

Toone in with the Spirit

Dear Family!
President and Sister Toone arrived this morning! They are wonderful! President Toone is huge though. He is exactly 7ft tall. Big guy, happy and humble. We love them already. They're from American Fork, UT but originally he's from Alberta and she's from California. Everyone is so excited to meet them and work with them. This week will be a little bit crazy because we'll be visiting all 8 zones in our mission tomorrow and Wednesday. Then Thursday we have MLC, which will be a first time for our mission president. But Elder Perez and I are really excited for everything that awaits us this month. It's going to be a great experience and I think I'm going to learn a lot. 
I should tell you briefly about what happened yesterday in our YSA ward during the 3rd hour. (Oh, we had 2 visa-waiters going to Peru spend the day with us yesterday and it turned out to be a blast! We took them to the airport this morning and off they went.) So our bishop took the time and really taught us powerfully about the need and the how of being a member-missionary. He rolled out so many questions that he had previously come up with that we can use to start conversations about the Church. Some were simple questions like, "Have you been to before?" "Do you know anyone who converted to Mormonism?" "Have you ever seen a Book of Mormon before?" Just a ton of simple questions that you could ask to anyone. He really made the point that we need to make everything a missionary opportunity, even cleaning the church on Saturday mornings, and participating in the choir. It made me think about how I can be better as a full-time missionary and as well among my friends from home. The phrase Ask, Seek, Knock has come to mean more recently. I believe that that is the pattern if we want to have missionary experiences in our lives. Ask for them in prayer, seek for them, and knock on someone else's bubble by inviting them to do things that will expose them to the Church and help them increase their faith. I hope that you all pray for missionary experiences and can recognize them this week as they come. I love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Gathro